Submitting picks by POST requests

    • 36 posts
    June 22, 2023 1:36 PM BST

    Just to confirm, for the Syntax for the event, is there a space needed either side of the hyphen between both team names?

    e.g. ALESSANDRIA - REGGIANA (taken from Syntax page)

    or no space

    "event": "VALENCIA-BARCELONA", (taken from "How to submit by POST method" page.)


    I am guessing the space is needed as shown on the Market Support Syntax page.

    Thank you in advance

    • 36 posts
    June 22, 2023 1:37 PM BST

    "event": "VALENCIA v BARCELONA",


    would be rejected right?

    • 36 posts
    June 22, 2023 1:41 PM BST

    I mean would the following POST request be unsuccessful because it has a "v" instead of a "-" in the event name?

    "key": "bcbab-sdfsdf-f4af-df-sdf-sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf43",
    "sport": "FOOTBALL",
    "event": "VALENCIA v BARCELONA",
    "bet": "VALENCIA",
    "odds": "1.91",
    "stake": "10",
    "book": "PINNACLE",
    "source": "TomW"

    • 53 posts
    June 22, 2023 1:52 PM BST

    It is recommended that you always use the exact syntax outlined in Market Support

    That said, our backend will try to extract the required information even in cases with syntax errors or variations, so VALENCIA v BARCELONA or VALENCIA vs BARCELONA would also work.

    Surrounding spaces should always be used.

    This post was edited by tango at June 22, 2023 2:02 PM BST
    • 36 posts
    June 24, 2023 12:15 PM BST

    I am getting a successful JSON return message and a pick ID but my picks are not shown on my source profile page or on my software. What might be the problem?



    If a pick is successfully sent by POST method, will an email also be sent to confirm that?

    • 53 posts
    June 24, 2023 1:26 PM BST

    Emails are sent only for picks submitted with email.

    Information about picks that are sent with POST/GET http methods can be retrieved by calling the endpoint with the pick ID of a previously submitted pick. This information includes processing, distribution and execution details and possible errors. This information is not known at the moment that the pick is submitted, so it cannot be returned synchronously. In the case of picks submitted by email, the system will reply with emails whenever infrormation is made available, for example order execution results will be sent when the first bot successfully executes the corresponding order which can be from 1-2 seconds to hours or never if no bot places the bet. In the case of picks submitted by POST/GET the same info is sent on demand - whenever the source owner calls pickstatus.php the system will reply with all information that is available until that moment.

    This post was edited by tango at June 24, 2023 1:30 PM BST
    • 36 posts
    July 19, 2023 3:25 AM BST

    For a sub-source like "TomW>BSGDrawsIPB365" do I need to include the "TomW>" part when submitting the POST request?

    I have added "[LIVE]" after the "Draw" selection.

    I am struggling to get my live bet picks accepted.

    My desktop bot has received Live orders in the past, but did not bet on them, so they did not get recorded. I must be missing some small error I made somewhere.


    This format should work right? Can you see if I am making an error in my submission format?

    "key": "bcbab-sdfsdf-f4af-df-sdf-sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf43",
    "sport": "FOOTBALL",
    "event": "VALENCIA v BARCELONA",
    "bet": "DRAW [LIVE]",
    "odds": "1.91",
    "stake": "10",
    "book": "Bet365",
    "source": "TomW>BSGDrawsIPB365"



    • 53 posts
    July 19, 2023 2:18 PM BST

    Your syntax appears to be correct and including the TomW-> part in the source is not neccessary.

    It's not clear what you mean by "I am struggling to get my live bet picks accepted". Is there an issue with the pick submission? Or are you referring to the betting orders that are generated for those picks?

    In any case I have gone through our records and saw that bots that were following sources for which you submitted live football picks placed successfully the corresponding bets, so please provide information for a specific pick or order.

    • 36 posts
    July 19, 2023 2:53 PM BST


    Sorry for the lack of details.

    I mean that the pick submission is okay, but my bot does not manage to place a bet from the bet order. For example my cloud bot "TWBet365GBPbot" shows "EXPIRED" for the "smb.TomW>BSGDrawsIPB365" source live bet order on UNIVERSITARIO DE DEPORTES - CORINTHIANS. So the orders are coming through, but it is not placing bets, even though the market exists in Bet365 and the pre-match bet on the same market was successfully matched. The aim is to get the pick bet on so that its bet gets added to the public history. 

    Am I forgetting some rule that is stopping my bot from placing the bet and the order becoming "Expired"?

    • 53 posts
    July 19, 2023 3:34 PM BST

    An "EXPIRED" order status means that the system could not execute the order in a reasonable amount of time. In the absence of an API and consequently definite responses on order execution for certain books, we need to set a timeframe for order execution and timeout orders that never seem to return a response within this timeframe, otherwise a big number of pending orders would clog up the whole order processign for a particular bot and affect subsequent orders.

    We are working to eliminate reasons for which an order could be kept in a waiting state and eventually flagged as expired and I expect that the number of expired orders will be much lower in the next few days. 

    • 36 posts
    July 19, 2023 3:46 PM BST

    I see. Thank you for that explanation. So my pick submission is fine and the bet orders are fine. It is just a timeframe issue, and I should just be patient. Thank you!

    • 4 posts
    March 10, 2024 6:22 AM GMT
    tango said:

    It is recommended that you always use the exact syntax outlined in Market Support

    That said, our backend will try to extract the required information even in cases with syntax errors or variations, so VALENCIA v BARCELONA or VALENCIA vs BARCELONA would also work.

    Surrounding spaces should always be used.


    First off, this being my first post, just wanted to say great work on a fantastic site. Have only recently discovered it, but already a big fan of what you've done here.

    I have a quick question regarding the exactitude of team names in a post request. You mention the backend will try to extract the required info if there are variations; how much leeway is there in the use of names?

    For example, if we take the Milwaukee Bucks vs LA Clippers in the NBA, bet365's website shows the event as MIL Bucks @ LA Clippers.

    Would any of the following POST requests be successful?

    # using the full name

    "sport": "BASKETBALL",
    "bet": "MILWAUKEE BUCKS",

    # using the official abbreviation

    "sport": "BASKETBALL",
    "event": "MIL - LAC",
    "bet": "MIL",

    Just for my understanding and future reference with other sports. No big deal if they have to be identical to bet365, simply need to create mappings for each league.


    • 53 posts
    March 10, 2024 7:53 AM GMT

    Hello, thank you for the kind words.

    We are using a custom database that contains many thousands of team name variations for all sports. The system knows for example that "CHARLOTTE HORNETS" = "HORNETS" = "CHA HORNETS", so you can use any of those three names and the system will map correctly the orders that will be generated by your pick to the team name used by the book that each of the following bots is targetting. In your specific example "MIL - LAC" would not work, because there "MIL" or "LAC" are not used as possible team name variations, but "BUCKS - CLIPPERS" or "MIL BUCKS - LA CLIPPERS"  would be fine.

    That said, there could be missing mappings, especially in lower or exotic leagues or when team names change frequently due to sponsoring reasons, but we are adding new names all the time, so please do let us know in case you find a missing mapping.

    • 4 posts
    March 10, 2024 10:23 AM GMT

    Wonderful news, you already have it covered multiple ways. No need for any additional mappings client-side then... even better.


    Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.